
Friday, April 18, 2014

TRA Weight Loss Challenge Review

Really sorry for late update as a lot of things happened (mainly in works @@)

Firstly I've stop taking TRA for quite sometime as it's hard for me to maintain the "Life style".
So my condition is still swinging around the previous updated conditions.

But shortly after that when I'm able to maintain my regular workout plus a "finally I'm serious" diet, which I take oat for breakfast & less carbon for lunch and dinner... I think I did better in shaping up & lose weight.

So for my lesson to this, I think a healthy life style contribute a major portion than any of the supplementary products. "Regular work out + Diet (What u eat is what u get)" is apparently a simplest thing to do.

Cheers for all friends that facing the same problems & questions!
Don't wait. Let's start what you planned! :)

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