
Thursday, October 17, 2013

辟邪挡煞葫芦 DIY (bottle gourd)



结实亮丽的外壳 :D


绑条绳子就能挂起来辟邪挡煞了! Yeah~~ :D

Monday, September 2, 2013

Started my TRA Weight Loss Challenge in 6th June 2013.
Date : 27th August 2013, My 2nd weighing session after taking the TRA Programme!

Weight: 83.8kg to 82.6kg and then 82.0kg
= 1.2kg Gone :D and another 0.6kg gone only.
Body fat 0.1% Lower only. and then 1.3% Gone :D
Muscle Skeletal increased 0.5% and then 0.2% sahaja >.<

Visceral Fat from 14 to13 :) and then still 13 =.=

Body age from 51 to 50 and now 49yrs old :)
*Is this going to be like "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"? :p

Really sad that I couldn't really keep up with the diet plan T.T
No wonder people in FB said Scorpio is the one who speak loudest to diet but always end up failed >.<
I Still haven't finished my 1st month portion of Trimshake and having a few unforgettable Raya Buffet Dinner..
And I stopped gym for the august after I sprained my ankle.
But I wonder it's my illusion or what when I saw the man in mirror getting better in shape @@
Anyhow.. it'll be the last month to strike the goal.
Hopefully I can laugh out loud in the end :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

3rd Weighing Session @@

This week most probably will be my 3rd weighing session.
As I almost finished the portion of TRA set this month...
Judged by myself, I seems to be gaining some muscle in the mirror..
Hopefully it's not some "fat" growing >.<"
It's a Raya month that filled with dinners lol So I hope it doesn't slowing down my progress :D
Peace V

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New Born Baby Cherry Shrimp Spotted :D 樱桃虾

Finally I spotted a new born baby cherry shrimp :D

Sorry that the photo quality is limited due to the tiny size of the baby shrimp @@
(That's why I use the X-large size photo in this post :p)

Even the snail aside is as big as the baby shrimp lol

Life is a miracle.
I'm always happy to observe & enjoy the beauty of nature.
There's lot of things around us that we might not have a closer look before.

So enjoy & discover your life! It won't be nothing! :D

Monday, July 29, 2013

Burgertory @ SS15 - The Best Pork Burger so far :p

Thanks to my friend that recommended this place to me :)

If you looking for some nice Pork Burger in town, you can try to find this place near Taylor college, SS15, just the same row with McD, facing the main road.

Hehe.. sorry that I already finished half of the Classic Pork Burger before I remember to snap a photo.

So I'll just keep it as a surprise for those Pork Burger Lovers to reveal it yourselves :p
Hope you guys enjoy it too ^^

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Little Cherry Shrimp Tank :)

Hehe.. I've always wanna to setup a Cherry Shrimp Tank :D
Finally I have the time and mood to do this.
Breed more ya my little shrimp ^^

Cherry Shrimp

Banana Shrimp

My Little Aquarium :)

Nu Skin TRA Challenge Round 1 Result !

Started my TRA Weight Loss Challenge in 6th June 2013.
Today : 8th July 2013, My 1st weighing session after a month of taking the TRA Programme!

Let's Have A Look On My Report Card lol
Weight: 83.8kg to 82.6kg
= 1.2kg Gone :D

Body fat 0.1% Lower only.

Muscle Skeletal increased 0.5%

Visceral Fat from 14 to13 :)

Hehe.. And my body condition is 50yrs old now.

So this little bit of improvement of my body is actually surprised me. @@
As I know I'm not a very good student to follow all the diet rules (3333 Rules),
and I missed out the trimshake (Milo taste drink) for most of the time.
I thought the Trimshake is to replace my meal and I skipped it every time I have to take my dinner.

So as a result of a very lazy way to swing away the fat, this TRA seems work for me.
Now my target for this coming month is to be a good student to follow the diet rules as much as possible. :)

*my friend that bring me in looks prettier and slimmer after a month too. This give me more confident lol I better not waste the money and work hard to slim down! Fight Fight Fight!!! :D

Monday, July 1, 2013

2nd Weighing Session @@

It's almost 1 month since I start the Nuskin TRA Programme.
Time flies and it's about time to do the second body weighing.
Will arrange within this week.
Hopefully I can swing away maybe a kilo or two :p
Not really strict on the daily meal practice >.<
But at least I'm following on the supplementary schedule.
So.. God Bless Me :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

抉择 Decisions




Saturday, June 15, 2013

Approaching Age of 30s 三十而立

Age of 30s is like a junction of the Life Path.

It's the moments that you need to make up your mind
to either further improve what you are now
Or to make a CHANGE.

So before that.. Ask yourself!
What you wanna be for the Next 10 years?

Thinking.... thinking.... thinking....

Action Needed!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vintry Jaya 33 Red Wine Night :)

It's Saturday Night :)
A red wine drinking session with buddies.
Hope it would affect my TRA programme much lol
As I do like to enjoy my Life with great meals and friends :p

Friday, June 7, 2013

TRA (The Right Approach) Programme Day 2

Day 2:
Having all these pills and shake as part of my meals now...
Doesn't feeling anything different yet, but doesn't feel hungry anyhow although I ate less.
Haha.. dreaming of losing 20kg in 3 months.. I suppose I need to exercise more lol.
Anyhow, at least I'm not taking many meat in my daily meal now.
I think a better life style do play an important role in this transforming programme.
Tahan~!!! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let's the Journey begin!

A result of my current body condition @@
All over shoot! And my body age is 51yrs old now!!!
I'm 24years older than my actual age >.<

Haih.. anyhow.. change is never too late!
After received all the Nu skin Products, I found that it's actually supplementary / dietary foods.
And the main point is to change yourself into a healthy life style.
So I'll just start the secret recipe tomorrow :)
And ofcoz to sleep early now.. Good night~~


Nu Skin TRA Weight Loss Challenge

A friend brought me to this seminar talk of Nu Skin tonight.
It's a new name to me but well, it doesn't matter.

The talk was not really attracting but the effects of the "Programme"
(p/s: Not "Products", it's quite good that they mentioned this because in the sales line we also mentioned "Service", instead of "Products")
is very attractive: "Lose Body Fat in 3 months & no weight bounce back problem!"

Believing a Success Product will Speak itself, rather than listening and seeing all the given "Facts" or "Testimonials", I just request them to show me how it works.

A set of supplements for 3 months for RM 4,800.
Wow! Damn expensive but Cheap if really work >.<

Sadly that I'm really "a bit" over weight & my liver and cholesterol index are really not quite "Positive", plus I'm getting 30s in a couple of years, I do need to do something before the "30s Dateline" (People saying that your body shape will be just like that after 30s T.T).

RM4,800 to be paid by installment & credit card...
So 3 months for myself to witness the Miracles @@
God bless me...
Whether success or not, I wish to share this experience out as I know a lot of people out there are wondering whether these kind of thing do works or not!

Writing this series as a record of myself as well as a practice of consistent blog writing habit... Cheers!

*Being scolded by my gf as I was said to be a very easy tackle customer =.=" At least I hope this "programme" lose some of my fat away >.<

**Tomorrow going to get my TRA Miracle Pack & go for a Photography Session!!!!!! (Damn I need to show my meat >.<")

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

小和尚 Little Monk from Faber Castell Kneaded Art Eraser

The "Faber Castell Kneaded Art Eraser" is a convenient tools when I learn "Sketching" during my Art class. It works well when correcting the pencil works.

I keep some of it even when I started my office life as it works well to stick some notes/poster on the wall.

Due to its plasticity nature, I shaped it into a "little monk" as a decoration on my desk as well.
Try it out too :)

Friday, May 3, 2013


