
Monday, September 2, 2013

Started my TRA Weight Loss Challenge in 6th June 2013.
Date : 27th August 2013, My 2nd weighing session after taking the TRA Programme!

Weight: 83.8kg to 82.6kg and then 82.0kg
= 1.2kg Gone :D and another 0.6kg gone only.
Body fat 0.1% Lower only. and then 1.3% Gone :D
Muscle Skeletal increased 0.5% and then 0.2% sahaja >.<

Visceral Fat from 14 to13 :) and then still 13 =.=

Body age from 51 to 50 and now 49yrs old :)
*Is this going to be like "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"? :p

Really sad that I couldn't really keep up with the diet plan T.T
No wonder people in FB said Scorpio is the one who speak loudest to diet but always end up failed >.<
I Still haven't finished my 1st month portion of Trimshake and having a few unforgettable Raya Buffet Dinner..
And I stopped gym for the august after I sprained my ankle.
But I wonder it's my illusion or what when I saw the man in mirror getting better in shape @@
Anyhow.. it'll be the last month to strike the goal.
Hopefully I can laugh out loud in the end :)

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