
Saturday, June 29, 2013

抉择 Decisions




Saturday, June 15, 2013

Approaching Age of 30s 三十而立

Age of 30s is like a junction of the Life Path.

It's the moments that you need to make up your mind
to either further improve what you are now
Or to make a CHANGE.

So before that.. Ask yourself!
What you wanna be for the Next 10 years?

Thinking.... thinking.... thinking....

Action Needed!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vintry Jaya 33 Red Wine Night :)

It's Saturday Night :)
A red wine drinking session with buddies.
Hope it would affect my TRA programme much lol
As I do like to enjoy my Life with great meals and friends :p

Friday, June 7, 2013

TRA (The Right Approach) Programme Day 2

Day 2:
Having all these pills and shake as part of my meals now...
Doesn't feeling anything different yet, but doesn't feel hungry anyhow although I ate less.
Haha.. dreaming of losing 20kg in 3 months.. I suppose I need to exercise more lol.
Anyhow, at least I'm not taking many meat in my daily meal now.
I think a better life style do play an important role in this transforming programme.
Tahan~!!! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let's the Journey begin!

A result of my current body condition @@
All over shoot! And my body age is 51yrs old now!!!
I'm 24years older than my actual age >.<

Haih.. anyhow.. change is never too late!
After received all the Nu skin Products, I found that it's actually supplementary / dietary foods.
And the main point is to change yourself into a healthy life style.
So I'll just start the secret recipe tomorrow :)
And ofcoz to sleep early now.. Good night~~


Nu Skin TRA Weight Loss Challenge

A friend brought me to this seminar talk of Nu Skin tonight.
It's a new name to me but well, it doesn't matter.

The talk was not really attracting but the effects of the "Programme"
(p/s: Not "Products", it's quite good that they mentioned this because in the sales line we also mentioned "Service", instead of "Products")
is very attractive: "Lose Body Fat in 3 months & no weight bounce back problem!"

Believing a Success Product will Speak itself, rather than listening and seeing all the given "Facts" or "Testimonials", I just request them to show me how it works.

A set of supplements for 3 months for RM 4,800.
Wow! Damn expensive but Cheap if really work >.<

Sadly that I'm really "a bit" over weight & my liver and cholesterol index are really not quite "Positive", plus I'm getting 30s in a couple of years, I do need to do something before the "30s Dateline" (People saying that your body shape will be just like that after 30s T.T).

RM4,800 to be paid by installment & credit card...
So 3 months for myself to witness the Miracles @@
God bless me...
Whether success or not, I wish to share this experience out as I know a lot of people out there are wondering whether these kind of thing do works or not!

Writing this series as a record of myself as well as a practice of consistent blog writing habit... Cheers!

*Being scolded by my gf as I was said to be a very easy tackle customer =.=" At least I hope this "programme" lose some of my fat away >.<

**Tomorrow going to get my TRA Miracle Pack & go for a Photography Session!!!!!! (Damn I need to show my meat >.<")

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

小和尚 Little Monk from Faber Castell Kneaded Art Eraser

The "Faber Castell Kneaded Art Eraser" is a convenient tools when I learn "Sketching" during my Art class. It works well when correcting the pencil works.

I keep some of it even when I started my office life as it works well to stick some notes/poster on the wall.

Due to its plasticity nature, I shaped it into a "little monk" as a decoration on my desk as well.
Try it out too :)